- 方便管理多个用户共享一个数据库,但是又可以互相独立.
- 方便管理众多对象,更有逻辑性
- 方便兼容某些第三方应用程序,创建对象时是有schema的
比如要设计一个复杂系统.由众多模块构成,有时候模块间又需要有独立性.各模块存放单独的数据库显然是不合适的. 这时候使用schema来分类各模块间的对象,再对用户进行适当的权限控制.这样逻辑也非常清晰.
db01=# create schema schema01;CREATE SCHEMAdb01=# \dn List of schemas Name | Owner ----------+---------- public | postgres schema01 | postgres(2 rows)
db01=# create table schema01.t1(id int);CREATE TABLEdb01=# insert into schema01.t1 values(1);INSERT 0 1db01=# select * from t1;ERROR: relation "t1" does not existLINE 1: select * from t1; ^db01=# select * from schema01.t1; id ---- 1(1 row)db01=# select * from db01.schema01.t1; id ---- 1(1 row)
db01=# drop schema schema01;ERROR: cannot drop schema schema01 because other objects depend on itDETAIL: table schema01.t1 depends on schema schema01HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too.db01=# drop schema schema01 cascade;NOTICE: drop cascades to table schema01.t1DROP SCHEMA
db01=# create schema s01 authorization hippo;CREATE SCHEMAdb01=# create schema authorization hippo;CREATE SCHEMAdb01=# \dn List of schemas Name | Owner --------+---------- hippo | hippo public | postgres s01 | hippo(3 rows)
schema 的搜索路径(Search Path)
pg下通过一个搜索路径参数来控制, search_path,我们先来模拟些数据
db01=# \c - hippoYou are now connected to database "db01" as user "hippo".db01=# create table public.t1(id text);CREATE TABLEdb01=# insert into public.t1 values('public');INSERT 0 1db01=# create table s01.t1(id text);CREATE TABLEdb01=# insert into s01.t1 values('s01');INSERT 0 1db01=# create table hippo.t1(id text);CREATE TABLEdb01=# insert into hippo.t1 values('hippo');INSERT 0 1db01=> select * from pg_tables where tablename = 't1'; schemaname | tablename | tableowner | tablespace | hasindexes | hasrules | hastriggers ------------+-----------+------------+------------+------------+----------+------------- public | t1 | hippo | | f | f | f s01 | t1 | hippo | | f | f | f hippo | t1 | hippo | | f | f | f(3 rows)
db01=> show search_path; search_path ---------------- "$user",public(1 row)db01=> select * from t1; id ------- hippo(1 row)db01=> set search_path = 's01';SETdb01=> select * from t1; id ----- s01(1 row)
db01=> drop table t1;DROP TABLEdb01=> select * from t1;ERROR: relation "t1" does not existLINE 1: select * from t1; ^
db01=> set search_path=ssssss,s01;SETdb01=> create table t2(id int);CREATE TABLEdb01=> \dt --ssssss这个schema不存在 List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+------+-------+------- s01 | t2 | table | hippo(1 row)db01=> set search_path='';SETdb01=> create table t3(id int);ERROR: no schema has been selected to create in
schema 与权限
db01=> \c - postgresdb01=# create schema s02;CREATE SCHEMAdb01=# create role u02 login;CREATE ROLEdb01=# create table s02.t1(id int);CREATE TABLEdb01=# \c - u02You are now connected to database "db01" as user "u02".db01=> select * from s02.t1;ERROR: permission denied for schema s02LINE 1: select * from s02.t1; ^db01=> create table s02.t2(id int);ERROR: permission denied for schema s02
db01=> \c - postgresYou are now connected to database "db01" as user "postgres".db01=# grant usage on schema s02 to u02;GRANTdb01=# \c - u02;You are now connected to database "db01" as user "u02".db01=> select * from s02.t1;ERROR: permission denied for relation t1
db01=# grant select on all tables in schema s02 to u02;GRANTdb01=# \c - u02You are now connected to database "db01" as user "u02".db01=> select * from s02.t1; id ----(0 rows)
db01=> create table public.t2(id int);CREATE TABLEdb01=# revoke usage,create on schema public from public;REVOKEdb01=# \c - u02You are now connected to database "db01" as user "u02".db01=> \dtNo relations found.db01=> select * fromt t2;ERROR: syntax error at or near "fromt"LINE 1: select * fromt t2; ^
系统schema, pg_catalog
db01=> \c - hippoYou are now connected to database "db01" as user "hippo".db01=> show search_path; search_path ---------------- "$user",public(1 row)db01=> select current_schemas(true); current_schemas --------------------------- {pg_catalog,hippo,public}(1 row)db01=> set search_path='';SETdb01=> select current_schemas(true); current_schemas ----------------- {pg_catalog}(1 row)
schema 使用范例
db02=> \c - postgresYou are now connected to database "db02" as user "postgres".db02=# drop schema public;DROP SCHEMAdb02=# create role jack login;CREATE ROLEdb02=# create role joe login;CREATE ROLEdb02=# create schema authorization jack;CREATE SCHEMAdb02=# create schema authorization joe;CREATE SCHEMAdb02=# grant usage on schema jack to joe;GRANTdb02=# grant usage on schema joe;GRANTdb02=# grant select on all tables in schema jack to joe;GRANTdb02=# grant select on all tables in schema joe to jack;GRANT
可以创建一些有限制权限的用户,比如只有增删改查权限的用户只能访问特定的schema,记得修改它的search_path grant select on all tables in schema .. to .. 语句只影响当前schema下的表,之后创建的表不受影响,这个需要注意.//END